Overview “Snack Shack,” directed by Adam Carter Rehmeier, is a coming-of-age comedy film that was released theatrically on March 15, 2024. The film follows two teenage friends, A.J. and Moose, who embark on various schemes during their summer break in Nebraska. The movie has garnered attention for its content, which includes themes of substance use and explicit language.

Rating The film is rated R by the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America). This rating indicates that the film contains material that may be inappropriate for children under 17 years old.

Content Information

  1. Language
    • The film features pervasive language with a notable count of at least 201 sexual expletives and 73 scatological profanities.
    • Frequent mild curses and terms of deity are also used throughout the film.
  2. Alcohol and Drug Use
    • Both adult and teen characters are depicted drinking alcohol socially.
    • Teen characters are shown brewing their own alcohol.
    • There are scenes where teens smoke cigarettes and marijuana.
  3. Sexual Content
    • The film includes graphic discussions about sexual situations among teenagers.
    • Scenes depict teenagers kissing and groping one another.
    • There are numerous sexual jokes throughout the dialogue, although no explicit sexual acts are shown on screen.
  4. Violence
    • There is an incident where teenagers engage in physical fights, resulting in visible injuries.
    • A traffic fatality is mentioned within the narrative context of the story.
  5. Themes
    • The movie explores themes related to friendship, adolescence, and the challenges faced by teenagers during their formative years.
    • While it contains raunchy humor, some reviews suggest there are positive role models present in the story that could provide valuable lessons for young viewers.

Parents should be aware that “Snack Shack” contains significant amounts of profanity, drug use, and sexual content that may not be suitable for younger audiences. It is recommended for older teens who can navigate these themes responsibly.