Sex & Nudity
There are no explicit sexual scenes or nudity reported in the film. Any references to sexual content are likely to be minimal and not central to the plot.
Violence & Gore
The film does not appear to contain significant violence or gore. There may be some mild action sequences, but nothing that would be considered graphic or excessively violent.
The use of profanity in “Jolly O Gymkhana” is not detailed, suggesting that it may be limited or mild. It is advisable for parents to consider the context of any language used within the film.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
There are no indications of drug use or smoking in the movie. Alcohol consumption may occur but is likely portrayed in a non-glamorized manner.
Frightening & Intense Scenes
The film does not seem to include any particularly frightening or intense scenes that would be alarming for younger audiences.
The movie has been rated “U” in India, indicating that it is suitable for all audiences, including children.
Overall, “Jolly O Gymkhana” appears to be a family-friendly film with minimal content that could raise concerns for parents regarding its suitability for younger viewers.