Overview “Carry-On,” directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, is a thriller set to be released on December 13, 2024. The film stars Taron Egerton, Sofia Carson, and Jason Bateman. The plot revolves around a young TSA agent who must outsmart a mysterious traveler who blackmails him into allowing a dangerous package onto a Christmas Eve flight.
Content Rating The Motion Picture Association (MPA) has rated “Carry-On” PG-13 for the following reasons:
- Strong Violence: The film contains scenes that depict intense and graphic violence.
- Bloody Images: There are visuals that may be disturbing due to bloodshed.
- Some Language: The dialogue includes mild profanity and language that may not be suitable for younger audiences.
- Suggestive References: There are elements in the film that imply sexual content or situations.
Detailed Content Breakdown
- Sex & Nudity:
- While specific details about sexual content are not provided, the rating indicates suggestive references which may include innuendos or implied situations.
- Violence & Gore:
- Expect strong violence with potentially bloody images. This could involve physical confrontations or scenes that portray harm to characters.
- Profanity:
- The film includes some language that might be inappropriate for children, though specifics on the level of profanity have not been detailed.
- Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking:
- There is no explicit mention of substance use in the information provided; however, it is common for films in this genre to include such themes.
- Frightening & Intense Scenes:
- Given the nature of the plot involving blackmail and danger during a flight, there will likely be intense sequences designed to create suspense and fear.
- Certifications:
- In addition to its PG-13 rating in the United States, “Carry-On” has received ratings from other countries such as:
- Netherlands: 12
- Singapore: NC16
- In addition to its PG-13 rating in the United States, “Carry-On” has received ratings from other countries such as:
Parents should consider these factors when deciding whether “Carry-On” is appropriate for their children. The combination of strong violence, suggestive references, and some language suggests it may be more suitable for older teens rather than younger viewers.