Overview of the Film “Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3,” directed by Anees Bazmee, is a Hindi-language horror-comedy film that was released during Diwali 2024. The film stars Kartik Aaryan as Ruhaan, a con artist posing as an exorcist who is hired by Princess Meera to rid her castle of a troublesome spirit named Manjulika. The runtime of the film is approximately 160 minutes.
Content Ratings The film has been rated PG due to its frightening scenes and moderate violence. It is generally considered suitable for audiences aged 16 and up, although parental guidance is advised for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity There are no significant sexual content or nudity in the film. There are mild references to sex, such as a comic mention of someone having “died a virgin” and a character being called a “pervert” for infidelity.
Violence & Gore The film contains moderate violence that may be overwhelming for younger viewers. Key violent scenes include:
- A character tied to a pole and set on fire, with audible screams indicating their death.
- Ghosts throwing characters against hard surfaces.
- A brief sword fight sequence.
- Characters engaging in physical confrontations, including grabbing each other by the throat and slapping.
While much of the violence is presented humorously, it still includes phrases like “I’ll slit their throat and drink their blood,” which could be disturbing.
Profanity The use of coarse language is mild, featuring words such as “bloody,” “moron,” “damn,” and others used mostly in humorous contexts among characters.
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking There are no depictions of alcohol consumption, drug use, or smoking in the film.
Frightening & Intense Scenes The movie includes several jump scares and intense moments involving supernatural entities:
- Paranormal beings such as ghosts and spirits appear throughout the film.
- A door with an angry spirit behind it creates suspenseful moments when opened.
- Disturbing visual elements include characters with unsettling appearances (e.g., black veins or burnt faces).
- There are dream sequences that involve potentially traumatic imagery (e.g., a woman falling from a building).
Parents should be aware that these elements might be frightening for younger children.
Overall, “Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3” blends comedy with horror elements but contains enough intensity to warrant caution for younger audiences. Parents are encouraged to discuss the content with their children before viewing and consider accompanying them during the screening.