Overview of the Film “Matinee” is a 2024 Indian Kannada-language comedy horror film directed by Manohar Kaampalli. The film features a cast that includes Sathish Ninasam, Rachita Ram, and Aditi Prabhudeva. It revolves around Arun, who owns a haunted property and faces unexpected challenges when his friends attempt to deceive him.
Content Categories in the Parents Guide
- Sex & Nudity
- The film does not contain explicit sexual content or nudity. There may be mild romantic scenes typical of a comedy-horror genre, but nothing graphic is depicted.
- Violence & Gore
- “Matinee” includes elements of horror typical for the genre, such as spooky sounds and situations that may be frightening. However, it does not feature graphic violence or gore. Any violent scenes are likely to be more comedic than serious, aligning with its classification as a comedy horror.
- Profanity
- The language used in the film is expected to be mild, with minimal use of profanity. It may include some name-calling or light insults but should not contain heavy swearing.
- Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
- There is no indication that the film prominently features alcohol or drug use. Any references to these substances are likely to be minimal and not central to the plot.
- Frightening & Intense Scenes
- Given its horror elements, there may be scenes designed to create suspense or frighten viewers; however, these are balanced with comedic aspects intended to lighten the mood.
Overall, “Matinee” appears suitable for a general audience with parental guidance recommended for younger viewers due to its horror themes and potential frightening moments.
You Can Purchase or Rent Matinee 2024 Movie on Sun NXT